Thursday, 30 June 2016

Date: 30-06-16. Time: 21:55. Now I have had a few days to recuperate and get my head back in gear, I plan to pop a few facts and figures on the blog and also waffle on a little bit I suspect. This really is for the benefit of anyone who may be casually browsing the web in the future who may happen to stumble upon this blog whilst looking to gather information on potentially doing this ride, or just looking at general cycling content for interest. So if you have been following this blog mainly to see how I was getting on during the ride, it may now be a good time to unsubscribe and therefore relieve your inboxes from my ramblings. You should be able to do this by clicking unsubscribe at the bottom of the blog update notification emails. If you do unsubscribe, clearly you will still have the option to dip in and out on the blog content, by just typing in google ‘Paul Cissell LEGOG’ and finding it that way or just typing the URL in a web browser, which is