Saturday, 18 June 2016

Day 5. Date:18-06-16. Time: 22:47. After yesterday's ride to Shrewsbury I hit a low during recovery - the distance and hills took it's toll on me emotionally.  However, today I am back again with renewed spirt. Guess what - today it wasn't raining - miracles do happen. That really helps with motovation even when you know you have picked up an injury from the day before, which has reared it's head overnight. So today it was all about doing the 85 miles to Preston and gritting your teeth when the hamstring at the back of my right knee started to bite - and it did most of the way. Whilst on the left knee I was reunited with Patella Tendinitis which had dogged me during my training. But do you know what - it wasn't raining and therefore watching the Welsh and English countryside roll by on the way to Preston with some increased energy levels was the perfect antidote for the injury woes. I am worried what overnight may bring in terms of my right knee stiffening up - but bring on some more beautiful countryside and no rain and that will make the discomfort diminish significantly. It is Carlisle tomorrow at 86 miles. Apparently the morning is all about climbing and the afternoon descending - wish I could just pitch up for the afternoon :) Time to sleep now. Paul.